Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Pictures and more pictures!

What a week! 
We took Jack to the park today...Nana, Papa and J met us there. 
I'm pretty sure they will sleep good tonight!
 Even sweet little Fernie got to try the swing...she wasn't so sure...
 Papa gives good pushes!
 Fernie loved being held by Nana.  Fern has one little tooth popping through!!  You can't really see it but you can feel it, it's sooo sharp.
 "Look at me Papa!"
 I can't believe all the things Jack does at the park now.
 They LOVE Zack!
 Jack is waiting VERY patiently for Zack to come downstairs and open his Father Day's gifts...
 Zack downloaded a Mickey Mouse app for Jack...

Sisters with matching babies!

 We took Jack to the zoo this weekend...he went in the lookout ALL BY HIMSELF!
He then talked Zack into going with him!
 Jack struck gold...he found a handful of corn in the machine! 
Zack received an early Father's Day gift from the kids!  Yes, that bag says "Garretts"
Jack enjoying Daddy's gift!

Some wrestle-time with Zack!  I love how Fernie is watching them... 
 I just love this kid!  One morning I brought the basketball hoop in the playroom and he looked at me and said "OH-MY-GOSH-THAT-IS-SO-COOL".  He is such a honey!

 Fernie is enjoying every bit of cereal. 
 Thankfully Jack hasn't figured out that these machines need money! I'm sure my day is coming. 
 Jack is catching on to the cousin hugs!
 "I'll catch you"
 Our very nice neighbor invited us over to use their swingset!  The boys really liked it.
 The girls watched!

 I took the boys to the library for story time.  Jack was "reading" to J.  As Jack turned each page he would say "the mouse climbed the tree"!
 I love how J is using his foot to hold the book!
 After about 30 minutes things got interesting!  Time to go home!
Jack and Fernie joined us for the primary vote on Tuesday...jammies and all!

 We had a picnic earlier in the week.  The kids received free amusement park tickets.  Sadly Jack was the only kid on the rides...

I'm pretty sure they just greased the slide, that is the fastest I have even gone down the slide.  Check out Jack's face.   

 First ride of the's always better when Daddy goes with!

 Such a happy girl.

 Brit and I took the kids to the Heritage Center.  We hit the highlights...
Riding horses... 

 Seeing the buffalo...
...pushing the button to hear the Canadian geese
and talking on the phone!

Today Fernie stayed home with Brit and Nate while we went to church.

Fernie loves Nana! 

We have another full week with the cousins...lots more to do!!!

1 comment:

Ryan & Rose said...

Phoebe does the monkey bars the same way!!! :) Your kids are good lookin, Bran! And you're VERY brave to have gone down that slide! Proud of you - it looks like you've got a death-grip on Jack! :) Miss you!