Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, March 26, 2012

Now...right now??

The new favorite saying at our house..."Now, right now?"
Me: Jack let's go get a snack.
Jack: Now, right now?
Me: Later today we will go to the store.
Jack: Now, right now?
Me: Tomorrow is Sunday and we will go to Sunday school.
Jack: Now, right now?
You get the point!!
We are slowly learning to only say things when we can do them RIGHT NOW!
This is Jack new favorite spot...Fernie's crib. He loves to get her after a nap. The minute he hears her on the monitor he says "Baby up. Get baby. Now, right now!" Fernie actually likes being rescued by her big brother.

Bad picture of Jack but I thought it was funny...he still loves wearing his ear muffs and likes saying "football" into the mic while holding his football!He told me he was "working".Just taking a break...Our happy little baby! Loving the outdoors.

A few days ago they did some road work on our street. Jack was thrilled to see a sign on our boulevard. He was very sad when "these guys" took it away :(Believe it or not we actually have something real to water. We had to plant some grass seed and Jack likes watering it. Bucket on the left is his and mine is on the right!

We have a bit of an eavesdropper on our hands. Jack loves watching people especially kids. The neighbor kids were out playing and Jack watched very closely...
Jack was watching Grover (who wears a helmet)...Jack immediately ran to get his hard hat!
Coloring time with Daddy.
If you look very closely you will see a little cutie in the bucket!
Going for a ride.
This is Jack-speed!
Fernie is such a doll. We love her so much! The little sweetie has a cold right's terrible listening to her cough. Working on tummy time.
Another day at the park.

This winter we put the tricycle in the basement hoping to teach Jack how to ride so he would be ready for summer. Our plan worked!! He is doing very well. Sometimes he gets stuck on corners or uneven pavement (you can't prepare for that in the basement!)

1 comment:

Ryan & Rose said...

You guys make good lookin' kiddos!