Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, November 22, 2010


I'm not sure how your children use their Leap Frog Activity tables, but Jack likes to sit on his! See video at bottom :)
I guess my magazine barricade is no longer too heavy for Jack to push over...
He KNOWS he is not supposed to be there...
Anything to stand on!
These are Jack's shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child! This year he enclosed a personal letter and picture!
Zack and I bought Jack a Little People Nativity set. I tried so hard to set it up but he ALWAYS knocked it over. In this picture you can see he is ready to strike!

Give Jack a Nuk and a puppy and you can buy yourself a few minutes!
Lately Jack has been very interested in Zack's hats. He carries them all over the house. He is learning to put them on his head...

As promised!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Big boy haircut

Well it was time for Jack to get a haircut! It was a hard day for baby boy is growing up. Here are two "before" shots: FrontBack:
Jack sat on my lap, we each got a cape.
He sat like this for about a minute!
Kylie had a jolly rancher in her candy jar sooo...

Jack lost interest in the candy pretty quick! He LOVED the comb...why didn't we think of that sooner :)
Here is the big boy haircut! I little too short for my liking but it will grow back! Unfortunately I do not have a picture of the back.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Too close...

We took Jack to the zoo on Saturday, it was almost 70 degrees! He gets so excited to see the animals he "barks" at each one of them. We thought it would be a good idea to get him out of the stroller and let him get "up close and personal" with the goats!
Oops, TOO close!!!
**Please do not judge**
This is what I found after Jack woke up from his morning nap (yes, he stays in his PJs for the morning nap!). He must have unplugged his sound machine, I am so thankful nothing bad happened. Needless to say, we have since moved the crib :)
More book pictures! Books are good for reading and...

Monday, November 1, 2010


Our little frog enjoyed his evening out! We pulled him in the wagon while visiting our neighborhood but let him walk/run in my parent's neighborhood. This Halloween brought back a flood of emotions from last year - we had just become parents. Here is our little pumpkin last year...what a difference a year makes!
Our first stop was our friendly neighbor Jan! We had to help Jack in the beginning...
...but he quickly figured it out!
"Hmmm...which one should I choose?!?!"
"Here I come!"
Perfect background for a cute picture. Only problem: Jack wouldn't sit still long enough. This picture will have to do...
Of course, Great Grandma was on our list of stops.
It was a fun night had by all :) Jack was sooo tired when we got home last night.
A few pictures from the last few weeks. My parents have a wonderful apple tree and Jack enjoys playing with the apples that fall off the tree.
Jack LOVES apples, he always has. He now really enjoys eating a whole apple by himself.
Jack loves to look inside boxes!
Anything to keep him entertained...
Last week Jack had his first sippy cup of real this first picture you can see the tears in his about broke my heart.
Add some graham crackers and thing begin to look up!