Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 31, 2014

And that's a wrap!

Well the month of July has come to an end...almost.  We continue to play and enjoy life!
Every once and a while the kids have a "parade". Thankfully they are usually in the mornings because I don't think I could handle a very loud drum and cymbals in the afternoon!!
This little one LOVES her outfits!
A dress is always the first choice!
Fernie likes to dress herself...
Aaaand this is what happens when a ball rolls under mom's van while the engine is still hot...oops!  Both kids benefitted from this mistake, they each got to pick out a new ball at the store that weekend.
Always happy after eating out...and drinking chocolate milk!
On July 20th Caroline was dedicated at our church.  It was a very nice ceremony (even though it felt like a circus on the stage!).  And if you are looking for Fernie, she IS there...just standing behind me!  The pastor said Caroline meant "womanly/little woman" and Elizabeth meant "consecrated to God".  He prayed for wisdom and guidance for Zack and I in raising our daughter.  He also prayed for Caroline in that she would present herself to God and become a woman who fears the Lord.  It was a very heartfelt prayer.  As a side note, I feel terrible I didn't even plan a little celebration for her as I did for all the other kids.  We just went out for coffee after church...
Oh a cold pool feels so good on a hot day!
Jack had his last day of tennis today.  He is really going to miss it.

 He had another great month of tennis.
Jack won the tennis shoot-out!
 He played and practiced very hard.
 Can YOU do this?!!?
We all love getting Caroline after her nap. 
There is ALWAYS time to read books with dad.
No better way to improve hand-eye coordination than catching bubbles!
Finally a book I can eat!!!
It's always more fun watching TV with "friends".
So serious.
"I have something to say!!!"
SO Big!
"Check out my muscles!"
Caroline loves her little jumper.
Silly boy!
I came home from a meeting and look who greeted me at the door!
Papa Love!
I told the kids to smile and say cheese...this is what I got!

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