Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Jack is becoming a busybody...he is interested in EVERYTHING around him. He really likes to sit and would stand if we were behind him!

Over the last few weeks he has learned to sit very well. Look at that posture!
Grandpa came over to play and Jack loved it!

For some reason Jack loves to have his feet in the air...I was reading to him one night and this is how he wanted to sit!
He really likes the swing...finally!!! He enjoys playing with the hanging bear.

We've never seen this toy before but Jack loves it. There are two foot pedals and two hand pedals, when they are pushed music plays and balls fly through the tubes! In the first picture you can see his feet barely touching the pedal.
"Hi there!"

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Another fun week for Jack! He is starting to enjoy his toys more and more. This is his latest favorite toy: Sophie the giraffe. He is usually chewing on her legs! Zack stands upstairs and calls Jack's name...he LOVES it :)


Can YOU do this???
Does anyone else have this problem...we can't keep his socks on!
Jack is getting really good at reaching and grabbing for things...this is how he puts his pacifier in his mouth!! Too cute
Jack loves playing with his daddy...he watches EVERYTHING he does. Jack kept grabbing for Zack's hat. ..

Fun playtime with mom!

I realize this picture is a little blurry but his face looks angelic. (Spoken like a proud mom, I know!!!)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Let's Roll!

A big week for Jack Oliver, he turned 6 months on Friday! It has been the best 6 months of our lives. We've had an exciting few days...On Friday Jack had his 6 month appointment, I think he did better than I. He is 27 inches long and weighs 17lbs, 12oz. On Saturday morning Jack started rolling over and hasn't stopped out world!! Today Jack had his first taste of cereal - Mmmm! He loved it, the first bit he wasn't so sure but after that he did great.

Jack has been enjoying his stroller rides!

The three amigos...Grandpa, Jack and Lucy. Hanging out with Daddy Time for cereal, Mmmm!

Here he goes:


Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter from the Pelhams

We had a wonderful Easter weekend. We continued the family tradition of the bunny trail. Jack wasn't so sure right away but after a while he got into it!! I think he liked his basket...We had a wonderful lunch with my parents and an enjoyable dinner with my grandparents. Jack got to wear his new Easter outfit!

Following a trail of kisses and quarters in their jammies...

WOW! This is cool!!

Jack got all dressed up for Church
Happy Easter!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Busy little man!

Just a few snapshots of Jack…he’s a busy little man! He has the cutest little laugh. He keeps Zack and I very entertained.
Zack's new favorite outfit on Jack!

Jack loves to grab our noses and lips.

Best buddies!
I thought this was such a sweet picture...

He loves to have his legs in the air as seen in these two pictures.

I went to get a drink of water and when I came back this is what I saw...
And now for the video: