Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Jack completed his swimming lessons this week.  If they would have given out awards he would have received the "M-I-S - Most Improved Swimmer" award!  We are so proud of him and we are excited to take him swimming this summer.  He still asks about the "big, big pool"...I think we might have Papa take him swimming this weekend!!

I think Fernie is happy she doesn't have to sit though lessons anymore.

Even Papa and Nana came to watch the last night of swimming.   

I just have to post this picture!  I went in the shed to get something and when I came back this is what I saw!  I think Jack had been playing in eating the dirt!

 Fernie loves being outside with Jack and I.


Learning about roots from Papa.

Jack obviously was watching Papa very closely...Papa and I were putting rubbish in the trash and we turned around to see Jack trying to use the shovel like Papa!

Wagon ride time! 

In one of the little flower beds there is some open dirt and Jack loves using it for his trucks. 

Last time we visited this park Jack needed assistance climbing up the ropes, not this time!

We are going to have some GREAT senior pictures ;)

Jack is so proud of himself for climbing to the top all by himself! 

This is probably Jack's favorite thing at the park...
 It was very hot and Jack thought he needed some "wog-wog" (water).

Birthday donuts for Mommy!!!  Yes, that big chocolate one is MINE! 
 What a goof!
 Our little Fernie is getting so big. 

She LOVES her Daddy.  Anytime Zack is in the room, she does not let him out of her sight.   
 All ready for Mommy's birthday dinner.
 This picture is so funny for two reasons:  1) This is Zack's face when he knows he should have asked me first about doing something and 2) Jack is so proud he got a sucker!
 I had a delightful birthday weekend.  On Friday we went out for dinner with my parents and on Saturday my mom made a wonderful meal for us and my Aunt and Uncle.  Jack did a great job blowing out my candle.
 Fernie enjoyed the party too...she loves being part of the action!

"I LOVE my thumb!"

 After church on Sunday it was so nice outside Zack and Jack played a little ball.
 Taking a break...
 Well Jack got his first tattoo this weekend, in Sunday School of all places!  All day Sunday he kept pointing to the tattoo and asking "almost off?"
 The mile and a half stretch was a bit much for Jack to walk...

Jack loves playing the drums and tries to imitate the marching band drummers. 

A few swimming videos to show how well Jack does in the water.  

The kids were taught to only jump in the water when the parent counts to three...


1 comment:

Ryan & Rose said...

You are one hot mama! Love the picture you took of you and Fernie! I so wish we were closer so we could have celebrated you in person! Love Fenie's baby-chunk! Can't believe how big they're both getting! Love you!