Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A new home for "Bubba"

Hello from the new house! I just wanted to post a few "Jack" pictures! For the most part Jack has handled this transition very well. The nights have been a little hard. The last few nights he has been waking up 3-4 times a night. That makes for one tired mama!

This past week Jack decided his name is "Bubba"! It's the craziest thing...I asked him his name the other day and he immediately responded with "Bubba"! Silly kid :)

We took the kids on a picnic the other night at the capitol. Jack wasn't so sure what to think. In fact he sat like this for about a minute and the rest of the time he walked around. He just couldn't understand why we were eating on the ground!

Jack was very intrigued with the storage unit being removed. You will notice he is holding his blanket or "ba-ba" as he calls it. Jack has become VERY attached to his blanket in the last few weeks.
We went to a picnic at the amusement park and Jack had a great time. I think playing basketball was his favorite! Notice one of his biggest fans in the right hand corner!

Thankfully Zack took him on all the rides. Jack looks scared but I think he had fun.

I love this picture because it shows how small the cars really are...what a good daddy!!!

LOVE that smile.

A little Dora time with cousin Jensen.

Only at Papa's house...

The best seat in the house to watch Papa work.

Papa's helpers!

Enjoying the slide.

Monday, June 20, 2011


The Pelhams are in T-R-A-N-S-I-T-I-O-N!! I will do my best to make a VERY long story short...
April 28th - We put our home up for sale.
April 30th - We signed a purchase agreement with Family A.
June 8th - We received a call from a flood evacuee (Family B) interested in buying our house. (Zack did his best to explain we already were in a contract with someone else...)
June 9th - We called Family A and asked if they would bow out of the contract so Family B could buy the house...
June 10th - Family A agreed to let Family B purchase the home.
June 11th - We started PACKING!!!

June 13th - We officially moved out of our house at midnight.

June 14th - Family B officially purchased our home.

Present - We are now living with my parents (THANK YOU so much Dad and Mom!) All of our belongings are loaded in a semi-trailer and a small storage unit.

Future (June 23) - We officially move into our new house!

To add a little excitement to all of this, my sister and her family are home visiting for three weeks. To be honest, it's been a blast! My parent's family room has been converted to a toy room that gets picked up once a day. All the fridges and freezers are packed - food for 9 people and the food from our home. Right now there are 12 pairs of shoes in front of the door ranging from kids size 7 to size 15! Two highchairs and an ExerSaucer have become permanent fixtures at the dinner table. Bedtime for all three kiddos is 7:00pm. After all the bedtime routines, the rest of us enjoy a few hours of P&Q!

I hope my next post is from my new office :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Photo shoot!

We took Jack out for a little photo shoot...M&Ms can pretty much get him to do anything!!!

We thought it would be fun to announce our new little blessing with pictures of Jack.


I am due in early December. We couldn't ask for a better Christmas gift. We are all very excited about this baby. Enough about us, enjoy the photo shoot!

Can you tell he has a M&M in his mouth?!?
"I will take that M&M please"...

"If you won't give me the M&M, I will come get it myself!"

You can't see it very well, but he has blue M&M drool on his face!!!

"These are so good!"

He was done with taking pictures.

The finished product!

"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord."

1 Sam. 1:27-28

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

This and That...

Just a few random pictures of our cutie!

Until this point we usually cut the corn off the cob for Jack. During this particular meal we did cut some corn but let him try to eat the corn off the cob...We were impressed and he loved it!

"This is GREAT!"

Jack still enjoys his bath time. He has moved on from kicking and splashing to drinking as much water as he can.

Our little guy is still a huge fan of fruit. Blackberries are a hit right now, but they sure are messy.

Everyone knows the best place to build a tower is from a higher elevation!

Each day Jack and I watch Sesame Street. Some days we watch for 5 minutes other days we watch for 30 minutes. It just depends on Jack's interest! Some days he sits on my lap and other days he sits/stands where he likes!!! A tunnel is a great place to watch Sesame Street...

Jack likes watching for Zack to come home. A snack always helps the time pass quickly!

Our cutie!!!